Tuesday, January 6, 2009

When I'm 80

Many times within a week I wonder what I'll be doing when I'm 80. I want to plan to be busy and happy. If I remember correctly, Laura Ingals Wilder started writing when she was 70. What about that? That would be great.

I want children around me. I love children. I want to be able to be artistic in some way.

I would like to buy a house off the ocean. (That's a dream more than a goal.)

I want to still be crazy in love with my husband.

Whatever I'll be doing, I know that today, and every day, is a day of preparation for when I'm 80. I can practice being who I want to be starting now. Sometimes I think that having only 24 hours in one day just isn't enough! I bet I could use up 36 hours in a day...
I want to spend time with all of my family and all of my friends! I'm thinking: since there isn't enough time to see everyone often, well, let's have a party!! *I'll be calling you soon*

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