Thursday, January 1, 2009

The New Day

Yes, I started my day with a dark roast coffee. yum. I was prayerfully thankful, but I was also busy with my family-- and what could be better? My Dad stopped in for his cup of coffee, and I called my Mom; my children bustled around me... I couldn't be happier!

I might not have any "followers", readers actually, but I'd like to log these entries for my adult children. I hope they enjoy the tidbits of thought that they might not have listened to when I was actively parenting them. I LOVE my adult children!

With the beginning of a new year, and the economy unpredictable, I plan to stay the same. Focus on changing the world- one child at a time- and reaching out with kindness to others I pass.

That and enjoy that lovely cup of morning coffee with my Jesus.

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